Nicolas Simonin
is a French lighting designer, a scenographer and video designer for Theatre, Danse, Music & Opéra, Puppets, Visual Arts...This site will let you find out the backstage of his work.
You'll discover the projects he was involved in, by pictures and pages dedicated to each of them.
In the following pages :
• pictures and details about the shows he designed...
• video examples of projects where stage projection is used...
• details of each project where stage-design was involved...
• artistic and technical aspect about stage-lighting, scenography, video...
• notes and much more...
In a mood sharing knoledges, softwares developed for live events are available for free in the labo section.
• The astuces section groups pages about lights, electronic, programming things
• Some examples of LEDS manufacturings I made for some events
• The contact page will help you to join me for any suggestion, comments, information request, any help or asking for a collaboration.
Good Journey on my pages!
I do apologize, for now, except the about page and the softwares that are in English, all the following pages are in French.